Look on the News page for teaching and learning news from the UK art, design and media higher education sector, including events, calls for papers, funding opportunities and more. See the About us page for information on how to share your news on this blog.

Friday, 27 January 2012

EVENT - ukadia Conference 2012

'The Future of Creative Education’: The third National conference for the UK Arts & Design Institutions’ Association (ukadia)
British Library Conference Centre, London 
8 February 2012
(conference dinner- 7 February 2012)

This year’s ukadia event will focus on the opportunities offered by the changing landscape in education policy and funding, notwithstanding the challenges that are ahead. Building on the success of previous conferences, this event aims to be a forum for discussion for over a hundred senior managers and practitioners from across the specialist arts education sector. 

Write a review - Fashion Design: The complete guide

We currently have Fashion Design: The Complete Guide by John Hopkins and published by AVA available for review.  If you work in UK-based art, design or media higher education and are interested in reviewing it, please get in touch: d.flint@brighton.ac.uk.  Selected reviews are published in Networks.  Reviewers can claim £50 worth of book tokens and can keep the review copy.  For submission details see: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/projects/networks/submissions

Thursday, 26 January 2012

CALL - National Teaching Fellowship Scheme 2012 is open for nominations

NTFS 2012

Deadline for nominations: 21 March 2012

The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme recognises and rewards excellent learning and teaching. It is open to all higher education institutions in England, Northern Ireland and, since Autumn 2010, Wales. 

Up to 55 awards of £10,000 are made to recognise individual excellence. The award is intended for Fellows' professional development in teaching and learning or aspects of pedagogy. Nominations are invited from eligible institutions in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 


Information on last year's National Teaching Fellow success in art, design and media.

Read the article in Networks issue 16 by National Teaching Fellow, Ruth Dineen, Learning and Teaching Associate at University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

Write a review - Collaboration in the Arts and Humanities

We currently have Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education: Collaboration in the Arts and Humanities by Lisa Mooney Smith available for review. If you work in UK-based art, design or media higher education and are interested in reviewing it, please get in touch: d.flint@brighton.ac.uk

Selected reviews are published in Networks. Reviewers can claim £50 worth of book tokens and can keep the review copy. For submission details see: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/projects/networks/submissions/resource-review-guidance

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Contribute to Networks 17

Networks 17, to be published in April 2012, will focus on teaching and learning practices in which students take centre stage.  We invite feature articles exploring student involvement in art, design and media curriculum design, ‘delivery’ and assessment, as well as engagement with departmental and institutional structures and processes. We welcome content written by both students and staff or collaboratively.
Deadline for contributions to Networks 17: Friday, 2 March 2012

EVENT - Group for Learning in Art and Design (GLAD) Conference 2012

It started with a KIS! GLAD Conference
Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture Kingston University, Knights Park, Kingston
25 April 2012

Responding to the HEFCE requirement for all courses to publish Key Information Sets (KIS) for prospective students in 2012, this year's GLAD conference will offer delegates an opportunity to learn more about these KIS statements. 

The conference will focus on three components of the KIS statements; national student survey scores, contact hours and employment statistics collected six months after graduation.

EVENT - Assessment in Practice (Fine Art, Design and Architecture)

Assessment in Practice
Glasgow School of Art, 167 Renfew Street, Glasgow
27 March 2012
This workshop is one of the HEA’s Higher Education Discipline Workshop and Seminar Series.

It will focus on aspects of assessment in the disciplines of Fine Art, Design and Architecture, and in particular, on problems of assessing practice based work. Much of the learning takes occurs in the ‘practicum’, and the studio is a central feature of learning and assessment.

EVENT - Redesigning (Graphic) Design Education

Redesigning (Graphic) Design Education
University of Derby, Markeaton Street, Derby
14 March 2012
This workshop is one of the HEA’s Higher Education Discipline Workshop and Seminar Series. The broad focus is student engagement and the enhancement of the learning experience through collaborative and participatory curriculum design.

Contemporary (graphic) design practice is attempting to reformulate itself in the face of changing conditions and a rapidly shifting communication landscape. At the same time Higher Education in the UK is undergoing a transformational change that will have a significant impact on student expectations and institutional demands. In the face of these challenges there has never been a better time to ask: ‘How should graphic design education respond and reshape in order to be relevant in the 21st century?’

EVENT - Discourse Power Resistance: Impact (DPR12) Conference

Discourse Power Resistance: Impact
Plymouth University
2 – 4 April 2012

The conference considers what ‘Impact’ means for us, our work, our understandings and future developments. Governments, international agencies, funding bodies and policy-makers increasingly use this term. What does it mean?

The conference explores the potential impact on each other of the creative arts and social sciences in terms of theory and practice. All conference streams are designed to encourage contributions from across the creative arts, social sciences and humanities.

CALL - for video or sound work for media festival

Lightworks 2012
Grimsby Minster and two local galleries
16 March 2012

The deadline for open submissions: 10 February 2012

Lightworks is a new media festival in Grimsby, organised by staff and students of Grimsby Institute creative HE courses.

This is the 3rd year of the event and the organisers are seeking existing video or sound work (up to three minutes) to show at the event. There are no recommended themes, subjects, formats or treatments. The work chosen from open submission will be exhibited as part of short compilations on projection screens or in sound installations. There is no entry fee for the Open Submission opportunity.

EVENT - Art and Design Education at the Crossroads: Developing outstanding practice

NSEAD 2012 National Conference
The BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, and other venues
16 -18 March 2012

The conference, incorporating the Artist Teacher Scheme Symposium, will be of relevance to teachers of art, craft and design working in primary, secondary and further education; museum and gallery educators and initial teacher educators.

Information can be found on The National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD) homepage: http://www.nsead.org/home/index.aspx


EVENT - Institutional Policies and Procedures for Managing Student Plagiarism 
Wheatley Campus, Oxford Brookes University
14 June 2012

ASKe (Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange) announces its Sixth Plagiarism event will be held in conjunction with the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

This one day event will explore current issues and strategies for managing student plagiarism in higher education. It will focus on developing institutional approaches, policies and practice. There will be opportunities to discuss current concerns, share good practice and consider valuable developments.

NEWS - HEA’s employer engagement publication 
The HEA has published Learning from experience in employer engagement, which shares the learning from higher education institutions (HEIs) involved in projects to enhance their employer engagement policy and practices so that all HEIs can make informed decisions when embarking upon their own employer-responsive provision.

NEWS - Action on Access launches Associates Network 
Action on Access in its new 2012 role is developing a national network of ‘AonA Associates’, building a strong collective network of colleagues from all sections of the HE access and widening participation community to work together, drawing on and harnessing the enormous expertise that has been established.

This is intended to be one new mechanism to ensure that despite the ending of the HEFCE funding for a WP national coordination Action on Access will continue its important role as a national coordinator and facilitator in this uncertain and turbulent landscape.

CALL – for comments on QAA consultation
UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Part C: Information about higher education provision - Draft for consultation

Closing date: 24 February 2012

This QAA consultation invites comments on the new reference point relating to UK higher education providers’ information about themselves and the higher education they offer.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Networks 16 is online!

Networks has a new format this time round. We have moved the publication on to a new website hosted by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Brighton. We hope that you like the new design.
The content, as usual, comes from individuals and partnerships based in a broad range of higher education institutions with art, design and media provision. We are delighted to publish articles from Kim Allen (London Metropolitan University) and Jocey Quinn (Plymouth University), Paul Grivell and Claire Scanlon (Northbrook College Sussex), Marcus Leaning (University of Winchester), Einar Thorsen (Bournemouth University), National Teaching Fellow, Ruth Dineen and more....

Monday, 23 January 2012

Teaching and Learning in art, design and media – Networks is now hosted by the Faculty of Arts at Brighton

Networks magazine is now hosted by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Brighton. Issue 16 of Networks will be published tomorrow - we hope that you like the new format and design.

Networks is an online publication written by, and distributed free of charge amongst, colleagues involved in higher education teaching and learning in art, design and media subjects.

Networks aims to:
· Support a network of colleagues involved in higher education in art, design and media subjects;
· Help share knowledge between colleagues working in UK art, design and media higher education;
· Promote and share effective practice in learning and teaching.
Many contributors use Networks to share their teaching and learning research with a broad audience where it can have genuine impact.

Networks magazine was established in 2007 by the Art Design Media Higher Education Academy Subject Centre, based at the University of Brighton and funded by the higher education funding councils. The Higher Education Academy has been restructured as a result of funding cuts and the Subject Centre will close on 31st March. After this date a small team in the Faculty of Arts will continue to produce Networks and endeavour to maintain the network of colleagues in art, design and media higher education built up over many years.
Networks is published quarterly and is produced by Jenny Embleton, Debbie Flint and Stephen Mallinder.
If you enjoy reading Networks we hope that you will consider making a submission. We welcome contributions from those working in UK-based art, design and media HE. For further information see: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/projects/networks/submissions
Logo designed by compoundEye: http://www.compoundeyedesign.com

Goodbye bulletin

This blog will replace the ADM-HEA weekly bulletin. Like the bulletin, the blog aims to highlight news, events, projects, resources and funding opportunities of interest to colleagues involved in higher education teaching and learning in art, design and media subjects.
If you are used to receiving the ADM-HEA weekly bulletin, you will shortly receive an email asking if you’d like to receive a weekly reminder about the week’s blog updates.
If you don’t currently receive any information from us, sign up to receive information at: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/projects/networks/about-us (goes live tomorrow!)
We hope that you find the blog useful – let us know what kinds of news you’d like to see more of by leaving a comment.
Jenny, Debbie and Steve